Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Journal Prompt

“The strong, calm man is always loved and revered.

He is like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land or a sheltering rock in a storm.”

– James Allen, English writer

This quote describes my husband Robert, who manages stress well and keeps the big picture in mind. He is my rock, my shade tree. My emotions tend to fluctuate, often in response to a temporary crisis. During these times, he offers sound advice that helps ground me. It’s as if he’s lived life before and knows what’s important and what’s not. I’ll admit that while I’m in the midst of some drama, I don’t always want or take his advice. In these cases, I typically see the wisdom of his guidance after the crisis has passed. 

What makes him the way he is? While nature and nurture play a big role, I believe his habits do too. He prays nightly, often expresses gratitude for his blessings, has a deep, unwavering understanding of his priorities, and doesn't commit to more than he's able to take on.

Who is it that offers you stability?
What can you learn from him or her?

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