Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sunday Journal Prompt

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”

– Anonymous

It’s tough not to compare ourselves to others, especially when our world seems set up that way. The percentile results from standardized test scores are based on performance relative to that of other test takers. Sports teams enter competitions with expectations based on rankings compared to other teams. In our daily lives, we see people who have or do more of whatever it is we want for ourselves.

For some, comparison can serve as a motivator. “If she can do X, I can too.” For others, however, comparison is counterproductive, leading to frustration. By focusing on incremental steps to foster growth in whichever area we want to succeed—going for a walk after work instead of sitting on the couch, making a healthier eating choice than yesterday’s, writing a paragraph a day toward a book, we take the reins and move closer to what we want for ourselves. 

What small step can you take today to get closer to what you want for yourself?


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