“Yes, me too!”
– Dr. Vogel, Carnegie Mellon University physics professor
During a recent college visit, my son and I had the opportunity to meet with a Carnegie Mellon University physics professor. Alex said, “Physics changes the way I see the world.” In response, Dr. Vogel’s face lit up as he inched forward on his chair then raised his hands. “Yes, me too!” And they were off—chatting about physics principles and how they apply to everything around us. The energy in the room elevated, and I relished witnessing their engaged exchange. After we left, Alex was shocked to learn that we’d spent forty-five minutes with the professor, as to him it had seemed like less than fifteen.
I’d had the chance to observe flow in action—the mental state of full immersion and absorption in which one loses a sense of space and time. Often I associate “flow” with sports or hobbies, but this reminded me how powerful it can be when human connection is at its core.
With whom have you experienced flow in a conversation—an experience that seems to suspend time and space?
Thanks for providing good information,Thanks for your sharing.