Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday Journal Prompt

“The obstacles in our path are the path.”

 – Rolf Gates, Meditations on the Mat

As yoga teacher and author Rolf Gates observes, the roadblocks we encounter in life are part of our journey. Often they’re a key part of it. How many times have we not gotten what we wanted when we wanted it, whether that be a relationship to go the way we want, an academic or business opportunity to pan out how we hope it will, or a clean bill of health for someone we love? 

While I’ve needed to take time to grieve over heartbreaks like these, it helps me to consider that hindrances and sorrows contribute to the person I am becoming. Knowing that they are part of my journey doesn’t make them any easier, but it helps me to accept them and view them as integral to my path. 
What obstacles have you encountered? What arises when you consider reframing them as part of your journey?



  1. Thank you to blog reader Lisa C. for sharing Rolf Gates's quote with me.

    1. Looking for what life's roadblocks may offer will help to bring about possibilities rather than setbacks and help me to move in this world more mindfully. I will come back to this journal prompt again and again. Thank you Jenny!
