Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday Journal Prompt

“Are you on your own team?”

 – Koren Motekaitis, podcaster
Even when we have a cheer section rooting for us, sometimes we work against ourselves. When a loved one encourages me to take a leap, my voice of doubt often trumps it: I’m not good enough, smart enough, creative enough, _______ enough. I find myself spouting off all the reasons why I can’t and shouldn’t accomplish the thing I want to do.
It helps to work toward my goal on a regular basis—to schedule it as a priority rather than let other responsibilities take over. When I let something else consume that time, bitterness and resentment fester—reinforcing my desire to keep my date with myself to work toward what I want. By committing time regularly, I begin to erode the voice of doubt and join my own team.
What steps can you take to join your own team?


  1. This one hits hard for me. I have no problem cheering on someone else's team but I'm happy to let mine sit on the bench. My steps will be something I can do this week... just this week. I think I can convince myself to cheer for my team that long. : )

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I'm cheering for you, too!
