Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday Journal Prompt

“Deep roots are not reached by the frost.” 

– J.R.R. Tolkien

Each spring I’m amazed by the resilience of mother nature. Even after a bitter-cold winter, the dormant trees, bushes and flowers flourish. Their deep, well-nourished roots prevent short-term surface frost from deadening their long-term lifespan.

Yet how often are we affected by the frost in our lives—offhanded comments, being cut off in traffic, longer-than-expected grocery lines? When I don’t nourish myself, life’s irritations take a greater toll on me. However, when I take better care of myself, I’m less affected by them. When I make the effort to eat wisely, exercise, read, write and meditate regularly, the frost has a tougher time reaching me.

How can you root yourself this week?

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