Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sunday Journal Prompt

“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.” 

– Rainer Maria Rilke 

While I appreciate holiday sentiments like “May the new year bring you peace and joy,” the phrasing positions us in the receiving state. The waiting place. Perhaps we can consider a more active approach: What can we bring to the new year? What new part of ourselves are we birthing and what can we do to foster the process?

Rather than thinking in terms of resolutions, this year I want to focus on resolve—a verb that means to find a solution. What challenges, problems or patterns in your life are in need of a solution? How can you resolve to explore a new approach to an old problem?

For help in addressing these and other questions, I highly recommend Sarah Susanka’s Year-End Review ritual, a practice I’ve done for several years: 

What are you bringing to the new year? How can you resolve to explore a new approach to an old problem?

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